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Teletalk Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is a public limited company, registered under the Registrar of the Joint stock companies of Bangladesh Total shares owned by the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh We continue to grow and engage our customers through our clear commitment to offering high quality products and services as well as leading customer retention and loyalty programmers Teletalk continues to be a part of the revolution that¶s connecting millions of Bangladeshi people
  Teletalk Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is a public limited company, registered under the Registrar of theJoint stock companies of Bangladesh Total shares owned by the Government of the PeoplesRepublic of BangladeshWe continue to grow and engage our customers through our clear commitment to offering highquality products and services as well as leading customer retention and loyalty programmersTeletalk continues to be a part of the revolution that¶s connecting millions of Bangladeshi peopleand around the worldTeletalk Bangladesh limited was established keeping a specific role in mind Teletalk has forgedahead and strengthened its path over the years and achieved some feats truly to be proud of, asthe only Bangladeshi mobile operator and the only operator with 100% native technical andengineering human resource base, Teletalk thrives to become the true people¶s phone ± ³Amader Phone´Product offered:Teletalk offers an array of different packages In addition to offering the fundamental pre-paidand post-paid mobile services, it offers a wide range of value added products and services suchas, SMS, GPRS, mobile data services, infotainment services, SMS banking, Caller Ring Back Tone, Ringtones download, Picture Messaging, MMS, Voice GreetingsThe pre-paid packages are-ü Standard   ü Shapla (Pre-paid)ü ShadheenAnd the post-paid packages are-ü Standard (rajanigandha)ü Shapla (Post-paid) y   Teletalk Customer Care Point(CCP)  Teletalk has established their customer care point only in the divisional cities and the big citiedonly In their CCP¶s they provides free services to their customer and also sells the mobile handsets, and mobile accessoriesSWOT AnalysisAccording to the executive opinion we have analyzed the SWOT of the company According to aexecutive of GP their-  S trength: Govt owned public ltd Co they use the frequency of BTCLWhich is covered all around the country Weakness: Poor customer service bad product design Opportunity: great opportunity to expand market by present network system which adopt the Wi-Max technology Threat: other potential GSM companiesv Forecast about telecommunication market in Bangladesh:Over the last two to three years, the number of mobile subscribers in Bangladesh has been morethan or close to more than doubling on an annual basis By end-2007, the subscriber base hadreached 34 million and was continuing to grow at an annual rate of around 60% With themomentum that has been developed on the back of the government¶s deregulation process, thestrong growth seemed likely to continueIEMR¶s Mobile Forecast on Bangladesh provides over 65 operational and financial metrics for the Bangladesh wireless market We cover quarterly historical data starting in 1Q2004 andending in 1Q2008 We also provide four-year forecasts at the operator level going out to 2010Operators covered for Bangladesh include: Bangalink/Sheba (Orascom Tel), GrameenPhone(Telenor), TM Int¶l (Telekom Malaysia), PBTL (SingTel), and Warid BTTB Our MobileForecasts are updated quarterly and are available for one-time delivery or through regular updates Notable highlights of the 3Q08 Bangladesh Mobile Forecast include:1) Total subscribers in Bangladesh will increase from the projected 469 million in 2008 to 582million in 2010 We, therefore, forecast that the level of wireless penetration will increasesteadily in Bangladesh from our projected 290% in 2008 to 347% in 20102) The level of competition in the wireless market will continue to increase, and the HHI indexwill go down from 0298 in 2008 to 0285 in 2010 The three largest operators in the country(Bangalink/Sheba, GrameenPhone, and TM International) will be losing market shares to Warid3) The largest operator in the country will continue to be GrameenPhone (Telenor), but itsmarket share (by subscribers) will decrease from 450% to 429% in the forecast period, 2008 ?2010In the figure below BMI (business monitor international) had forecasted a rapid growth andaverage y-o-y growth of 56% per year between year 2007 and 2011Market penetration should be reached by 50% by the end of 2009 and can be increased by 75%during the forecasted period So, according to the forecast, by the year 2011, mobile subscriberswill be 115millions That sounds like a great potential market (ibid)  The reality is close to the forecast According to BTRC, The total number of Mobile PhoneSubscribers has reached 3233 million at the end of October 2007, when BMI¶s expectation wasabout 35 millions Mr Manzurul Alam, Chairman BTRC while answering a question, has giventhe latest information As of April 2008, the total number of mobile phone subscribers stands at4034 millions And the average growth rate falls in the range of 1 million subscribers per monthFigure: BMI forecastv Brief about PSTN Operators in Bangladesh:Beside the six mobile telecommunication companies there are twelve PSTN (public switchedtelephone network) ± companies in Bangladesh Among these BTTB was only govt owedcompany, which has been converted into Public Ltd Co in august this year and now it isworking as a name BTCL (Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Ltd) Accept BTCL allother PSTN use wireless system CDMA (Code division multiple access) technology The raise of  private PSTN companies made the market of PSTN in the country very competitive Now thecall rate of PSTN has been reduced than the previous rateHere the list of PSTN subscribers of the country is shown in a figure with their customer size bellow:*Subscribers in Thousands Source: BRTC  http://wwwscribdcom/doc/34388262/Marketing-Mix-Teletalk Operators S ubscribers   December 2007   S ubscribers   S eptember 2008 S ubscribers   October2008 BTTB 872409 872409 873265Ranks Telecom Ltd 112560 148173 149495Telebarta Ltd 55809 56424 56424Jalalabad Telecom Ltd 3948 4949 5110Onetel Communication Ltd 30126 38364 38529 National Telecom Ltd 17521 48467 51496Peoples Telecom Ltd 32961 46211 53085Westec Ltd 17400 17000 17000Dhaka Telephone Co Ltd 27793 58074 59436Sheba Phone Ltd (ISL) 8232 10018 9930SA Telecom System Ltd 8134 14372 14804Banglaphone 0026 0026 0026 Total 1,186919   1,314487   1,328600  



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