Mb0048 Operatons Research

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   ASSIGNMENT DRIVE SUMMER 2015  PROGRAM MBA/ MBADS/ MBAFLEX/ MBAHCSN3/ PGDBAN2  SEMESTER II SUBJECT CODE NAME MB0048 OPERATIONS RESEARCH BK ID B1631 CREDITS 4 MARKS 60   Q No Questions Marks Total Marks 1 What are the features of operations research? What are the limitations of operations research? A List and explain any five features of operations research List and explain the five limitations of operations research 5 5 10 2 a Explain the graphical method of solving Linear Programming Problem b A furniture manufacturing company plans to make two products: chairs and tables- from its available resources, which consists of 400 board feet of mahogany timber and 450 man-hours of labour It knows that to make a chair requires 5 board feet and 10 man- hours and yields a profit of Rs45 while each table uses 20 board feet and 15 man-hours and has a profit of Rs80 Formulate the LPP to maximise the profit Source: Srivastava, U K, Shenoy, GV, Sharma, S C (2007) Quantitative Techniques for Mangerial Decisions  Delhi: New Age International (P) Limited A Meaning of Linear programming problem Explanation of graphical method of solving Linear Programming 2 4 10  Problem Formulation of LPP (Objective function Constraints) 4 3 a   List the steps of the Vogel’s Approximation Method(VAM) to find the initial feasible solution  b   The XYZ manufacturing company has a current transportation schedule which is  being questioned by the top management as to whether or not it is optimal The firm has 3 factories and 5 warehouses The unit transportation costs (in Rs), factory capacities, and ware house requirements are given below Find the initial feasible solution using Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)  Warehouse Factories Warehouse requirements A B C 1   50 40 80 400 2   80 70 40 400 3   60 70 60 500 4   60 60 60 400 5   30 50 40 800 Factory availability 800 600 1100 2500 Source: Srivastava, U K, Shenoy, GV, Sharma, S C (2007) Quantitative Techniques for Mangerial Decisions  Delhi: New Age International (P) Limited A a   Write the steps of the Vogel’s Approximation Method  (VAM) to find the initial feasible solution  b   Calculation/solution to the problem 3 7 10 4 a   What is Integer Programming Problem (IPP) ?  b   Explain Gomory’s all integer algorithm of an IPP   A Define Integer Programming Problem(IPP) List the types of Integer Programming Problem(IPP) 1 1 10  List and briefly explain the steps of Gomory’s all integer algorithm of an IPP 8 5 a Explain Monte Carlo Simulation b A Company produces 150 cars But the production rate varies with the distribution Production Rate 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Probability 005 010 015 020 030 015 005 At present the track will hold 150 cars Using the following random numbers determine the average number of cars waiting for shipment in the company and average number of empty space in the truck Random Numbers 82, 54, 50, 96, 85, 34, 30, 02, 64, 47 A Explanation of Monte Carlo Simulation Calculation/ Solution to the problem 5 5 10 6 a Explain the dominance principle in game theory b Describe the Constituents of a Queuing System c Differentiate between PERT and CPM    A Dominance principle in game theory Constituents of a Queuing System Differences between PERT and CPM 4 3 3 10 *A-Answer Note  – Please provide keywords, short answer, specific terms, specific examples and marks break - up (wherever necessary) Note  –  Answer all questions Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words Each question is followed by evaluation scheme