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   1 EIE557 Computational Intelligence and Its Applications Assignment 1 (due on 22 October 2015) Q1 Discuss the difference between expert systems and artificial neural networks Q2 Explain the main advantages of applying fuzzy logic in knowledge-based systems Q3 The Zookeeper expert system was developed to identify seven animals: a cheetah, a tiger, a giraffe, a zebra, an ostrich, a penguin, and an albatross The system has 15 production rules given  below: R1 IF ?x has hair THEN ?x is a mammal R2 IF ?x gives milk THEN ?x is a mammal R3 IF ?x has feathers THEN ?x is a bird R4 IF ?x flies ?x lays eggs THEN ?x is a bird R5 IF ?x is a mammal ?x eats meat THEN ?x is a carnivore R6 IF ?x is a mammal ?x has pointed teeth ?x has claws ?z has forward-pointing eyes THEN ?x is a carnivore R7 IF ?x is a mammal ?x has hoofs THEN ?x is an ungulate R8 IF ?x is a mammal ?x chews cud THEN ?x is an ungulate R9 IF ?x is a carnivore ?x has tawny color ?x has dark spots THEN ?x is a cheetah R10 IF ?x is a carnivore ?x has tawny color ?x has black strips THEN ?x is a tiger R11 IF ?x is an ungulate ?x has long legs ?x has long neck ?x has tawny color ?x has dark spots THEN ?x is a giraffe   2 R12 IF ?x is an ungulate ?x has white color ?x has black stripes THEN ?x is a zebra R13 IF ?x is a bird ?x does not fly ?x has long legs ?x has long neck ?x is black and white THEN ?x is an ostrich R14 IF ?x is a bird ?x does not fly ?x swims ?x is black and white THEN ?x is a penguin R15 IF ?x is a bird ?x is a good flyer THEN ?x is an albatross Assume that the Zookeeper procedure is asked to chain backward from the following hypotheses in the given order: Ostrich Penguin Albatross Then, consider the following facts about an animal, Splashy:    Splashy has feathers    Splashy lays eggs    Splashy does not fly    Splashy is black and white    Splashy swims Assume that nothing else is known to be true (a)   Simulate Zookeeper  ’ s behavior so as to determine what kind of animal Splashy is Take care to use the hypotheses in the specified order Indicate your answer by showing what is the sequence in which the rules are used, what each rule is trying to do, and whether each rule succeeds (b)   Rework the exercise in the previous part assuming that Splashy has long legs and a long neck The other properties are unchanged Why is the result peculiar? Q4 The following rules are given: R1: IF ?x is a bird ?x does not fly ?x has long legs ?x has long neck ?x is black and white   3 THEN ?x is an ostrich with a certainty factor of 09 R2: IF ?x has feathers THEN ?x is a bird with a certainty factor of 08 R3: IF ?x flies ?x lays eggs THEN ?x is a bird with a certainty factor of 09 Consider the following facts about an animal, Splashy:    Splashy has feathers {cf 08}    Splashy lays eggs {cf 08}    Splashy does not fly {cf 04}    Splashy is black and white {cf 10}    Splashy has long legs {cf 06}    Splashy has long neck {cf 06} The range of certainty factors is [-1, 1] (a)   Compute the certainty factor of the assertion “ Splashy is a bird ”  (b)   Compute the certainty factor of the conclusion “ Splashy is an ostrich ”   Q5 Figure Q5 shows the membership functions for fuzzy sets  A  and  B  x 106-4 3O B A -1 1 4    x    Figure Q5 (a)   Derive    x  A    and    x  B    as mathematical equations (b)   Find the union and intersection of fuzzy sets  A  and  B  using the max and min operators, respectively Illustrate the membership functions and give the mathematical equations for    x  B A     and    x  B A   



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