Chapter 15: Reconstruction, 1865—1877 iClicker Questions for America’s History, Seventh Edition and America: A Concise History, Fifth Edition

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Download Chapter 15: Reconstruction, 1865—1877 iClicker Questions for America’s History, Seventh Edition and America: A Concise History, Fifth Edition
Slide 1 Chapter 15: Reconstruction, 1865—1877 iClicker Questions for America’s History, Seventh Edition and America: A Concise History, Fifth Edition Slide 2 1Congress passed the Fourteenth Amendment to Aend slavery Bforbid the states from denying any citizen the right to vote Cembarrass President Johnson Dprovide constitutional protection for African American civil rights Slide 3 2Andrew Johnson was impeached as president on the charge that he Awas a traitor to his party Bhad overstepped his powers when he instituted his own version of Reconstruction in 1865 Chad condoned violations of the civil rights of blacks by allowing ex-Confederates back into the government and thus violated his presidential oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States Dhad violated the Tenure of Office Act Slide 4 3Republicans in the South were composed of a coalition of Anorthern army officers, southern ex- slaveholders, and southern blacks Bnorthern army officers, nonslave-owning southern whites, and southern blacks Cformer southern and northern Democrats Dnorthern blacks, southern Democrats, and abolitionists Slide 5 4Freedmen asserted their independence by doing all of the following except: Abuilding schools Brecording marriages that had been unrecognized under slavery Ckeeping women out of field work Dinsisting on becoming part of white churches Slide 6 5Sharecropping developed as an agricultural system Aby a decree of the Freedmen’s Bureau Bby way of strained, need-based negotiations between landlords (ex-Confederates) and freedmen Cbecause of the uncompromising demands of freedmen Dthrough the adoption by blacks of long-held, northern tenant farming practices Slide 7 6The odds were stacked against freedmen sharecroppers primarily because Afarms were too small to make a profit Bthey had to borrow money to survive until their first crop came in, but the returns on cotton production were too low to pay off their debts Csharecroppers moved around frequently, thus adding to their costs Dlandlords and merchants illegally charged high interest rates and increased prices Slide 8 7The majority of African Americans who emerged as political leaders during the period of Republican rule in the South were Amembers of the free black southern elite Bformer field hands Cescaped slaves returning to the South Dfree blacks from the North Slide 9 8Republican governments across the South fell one by one to Democrats in the mid-1870s primarily because Athey were unable to diversify agricultural production and were voted out of office Bex-Confederate politicians, using demagoguery and terrorism, silenced the black and Republican vote Cthey lost the support of northern politicians Dblack politicians were unable to lead effectively Slide 10 9“Scalawag” refers to a southern white who Adenounced Reconstruction Bjoined the Ku Klux Klan Csupported the Democratic Party Dsupported Reconstruction Slide 11 10The ultimate legacy of Reconstruction was Afailure and bitterness that would simmer for generations Bthe solid foundation of a new version of the South Cthe passage of three constitutional amendments that would enable African Americans in later generations to fight for their rights Dthe rise of an activist government in reforming American society Slide 12 Answer Key for Chapter 15 1Answer is D 2Answer is D 3Answer is B 4Answer is D 5Answer is B 6Answer is B 7Answer is A 8Answer is B 9Answer is D 10Answer is C
