International Legal English

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  International Legal English 1 The practice of law   Legal education   Bodies of law   Types of law   Lawsuit and court documents   Characteristics of Legal English   Law firm structure 2 Company Law   Company formation   Roles in a company   Changes in a company (mergers, acquisitions, consolidation, liquidation, constitutional amendments)   Capitalisation   Presentations   Letter and mail of advice 3 Contract Law   Contract formation   Types of contracts   Provisions   Remedies (general, restitution, specific performance, reliance , consequential and liquidated damages)   Delegation, assignment, novation, third party beneficiary   Third party rights   Preparing a lawsuit   Talking about court actions and rulings   Client interview   Negotiating (making and rejecting an offer, asking for clarification)  4 Employment Law   Collective bargaining   Fair and unfair dismissal   Remedies for unfair dismissal   Arbitration and mediation   Expressing agreement/ disagreement 5 Sale of goods   Types of goods   Warranties   Terms and conditions of sale   Documenting a case   Giving advice 6 Real-property Law   Types of estates   Easements/ hereditaments   Concurrent ownership of property   Types of agreements   Landlord- tenant and tenancy agreements 7 Intellectual Property Law   IP rights   Patents, trade-marks, registered-marks, trade secrets, fair use and copyright   Infringement of IP rights   Linking devices   Discourse markers 8 Secured Transactions   Types of secured transactions   Security agreements   Security interests    Comparing and contrasting information   Planning events 9 Debtor and Creditor   Rights and obligations of debtors/ creditors   Types of liens   Protection of assets   Insolvency   Covering letter   Job interview 10 Competition Law   Anti-competitive and anti-trust activities   Competition law risks and advantages   Explaining risks   Merger control